Thursday, February 23, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Grit

I just stumbled upon this blog where every week, she hosts a "five minute Friday" blog event where she picks a topic and we are to write about it in five minutes, without editing. I think that's a great idea and since this blog is about a messy life, what's more messy than letting me just go on a verbal rabbit trail without over-thinking about it and editing!  I think it's a great idea for wanna be writers like me, to just let it all out. In her words, she says,
"We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to run when we were kids."
I totally love this idea except for the running part. I never ran as a kid, but I digress...

This week's topic topic to write about is "grit". First of all, I actually looked up the word grit to see how I could incorporate the word into the messy journey I'm on and all I can think about is the grit grades (I think that's what they are called) on sandpaper. And what is sandpaper used for? It's a refining tool that woodworkers use.  

I think refining is the word that the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart lately, because that's what He's doing right now. Everything I'm going through, from the confusion and frustration of things not going how I want it to go is all part of His plan to get me focused on Him and keep my eyes off my circumstances to make me more like Him.

Refining is an ongoing process that will continue on until the day we go to be with the Lord. How will we respond to the refining process? Will we pout and kick and scream because it hurts, or will be turn our eyes off of ourselves and on to Jesus which is the whole point of being refined?

Aaaannnnd my five minutes is up. That was harder than I thought it would be, but it was still a nice exercise in writing!


  1. "refining is an ongoing process" oh, yes. for me it takes forevvverrr :)

    great is hard to think of what to write, then to stick to the 5 min! :)

  2. glad to see you joining this week! hope to see you back here again!

    blessings ~

  3. ...because it hurts...
    rubbed raw at times, too. But he's faithful and knows just what needs polishing so we sparkle with his love and marvel at his workmanship. Bless you today

  4. The refining is so painful isn't it? I'm hoping the grit grade starts to become a little less abrasive as I grow:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your words there, and here!

  5. I'm on the same journey. The past year hasn't lined up at all with how I thought things would go. I think I'm following God's will but how do we adjust and respond when that will isn't even remotely as we imagined it? It is a refining process and we're a work in progress until our dying day! Stay the course! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I hear ya!
    I wish I would go on and finish up my refining.

  7. I hate the refining but love the outcome!

  8. Thank you for your sweet and uplifting words on my blog yesterday. They really inspired me! :)
