Monday, February 20, 2012

Life is a Messy Journey

I have to say that I've been sitting here for over an hour, trying to figure out how to start this millionth attempt at consistent blogging. I don't know why I want to blog, I just know that I do so I'm trying to figure out my shtick.  I'm a terrible homemaker, so I can't go that route again. I'm not really that crafty and the craft supplies I own are in storage right now, so I also can't go that route.  All I have is Jesus and a heart full of stuff that just wants to get out, so I think I'm going to re-start my blogging journey going down that route. 

I chose the title "A Messy Walk", because I feel as a Christian, that's how life is.  Following Jesus isn't always rainbows and puppy dogs and unicorns. Following Jesus is messy. Being obedient to His calling in my life is messy. Trying to figure out the journey He has me on is REALLY messy, because of my failures along the way. Failures are messy.  Life is just messy! It's a good messy because it's through the mess that God reveals Himself in HUGE ways, but it's messy nonetheless and sometimes even painful. 

So that's what this blog is all about.  It will be just me sharing my heart and how Jesus is revealing Himself to me as I go on the path He has set before me. I'm not even keeping this blog to a specific theme because I will hopefully write about anything and everything.

So there ya have it. I'll just leave you with this because it really touched me when I saw it (God bless Pinterest!)


  1. I think that's a fine idea for a blog! My first blog started out as a journal.... then it became a blog about my parenting style... then it became a house cleaning blog... then it became a product review... then it became a bible study... then it became a hodgepodge. I figure if I think it... I'll type it (I have another blog just for daily devotionals). I say, pray about it, and write what is on your heart. Link up to blog hops, and the readers will come :)

  2. I agree with Kelly. The more I read through Bible each lesson always comes back to that--"I know the plans..." Others will benefit from reading how that plays out in your life. Go, Becky, go!

  3. Yeah, it's your blog, you write on it whatever comes into your pretty little head! Enjoy the journey and glad you are writing!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement! It feels good to write and not let these jumbled thoughts go to waste!
